Sheriff’s Office Arrests Adair County Man And Woman On Abuse Of Minor Charges

Jordan Nye, 20, and Makenna Wheeler, 19, were arrested on the charges of Criminal Abuse (2nd degree of Minor Under 12) after an investigation by the Adair County Sheriff’s Office. 

The investigation began when Sheriff Josh Brockman was contacted by a special investigator with Child Protective Services, about possible abuse of an 8 week old infant.  

The investigation by Sheriff Brockman and CPS began on February 9th, 2024 and quickly led to enough evidence for the Adair District Judge to grant temporary removal of the child from the parents primary care, ensuring safety of the child while the investigation continued.

After a lengthy investigation, warrants were obtained and executed for the arrest of Nye and Wheeler for felony charges of Criminal Abuse 2nd degree.

Both individuals were lodged in the Adair County Regional Jail.

Sheriff Brockman was assisted by Deputy Emily Wall, Deputy Josh Durbin, Child Protective Services and the University of Kentucky Hospital Pediatric Forensic Review Team.

(Sheriff Josh Brockman – Adair County Sheriff’s Office)