Cooperative Extension Service: Increasing Land Income From Hunting

From Adair County Extension Agent Nick Roy: Owners of woodlands or croplands looking to increase their farm income might consider leasing the hunting rights of their land. 

Many hunters, including local, in-state, and out of state, annually seek land to lease hunting rights for. 

Adair County is positioned in hunting zone two allowing for the harvest of four deer with a limit of one antlered deer. 

The combination of woodlands and croplands in Adair County has allowed for a thriving deer population. 

Leasing hunting rights can not only generate additional farm income but can also help control the local deer population and ease pressure on crop damage. 

If you would like to learn more about hunting leases, make plans to attend an upcoming meeting on December 13th at 9:30 a.m. at the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service located at 409 Fairground Street.

UK Wildlife Specialist Dr. Matt Springer will discuss tips on how to lease your land for hunting while reducing risks in these agreements. 

Both landowners and hunters looking for leases are invited to attend.

For more information, contact the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service at (270) 384-2317.

(Nick Roy, Adair County Extension Agent for Agriculture & Natural Resources)