Green County Food Pantry Update: Serving Last Names F-L Today

“Good morning! Today, Thursday March 13th we will be serving last names that begin F through L.

As always line up does not begin until 9:30 AM cst. If you line up before 9:30AM you will be asked to leave. You must bring your Driver’s license. If you recently moved to Green County and your license has not been updated you will need to bring a recent piece of mail with your Green County address. Also, if you were issued a small card that goes on your Keychain be sure to have it with you!

If you are picking up for someone you must have a note giving you permission to pick up their commodities. The note must include their address, everyone living in the household, phone number and monthly income. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer please call the Green County Food Pantry at 270-405-3247. Leave a brief message with your name and phone number. Please be patient today. We will serve as many folks as we can in the time permitted.”

(Green County Food Pantry)