Senator Max Wise To Receive KASA 2024 Telescopic Award

(Frankfort, Ky) — State Senator Max Wise will be honored with the prestigious KASA 2024 Telescopic Award at the KASA Annual Leadership Institute in Louisville on July 26.

The KASA Telescopic Award recognizes legislators who craft policies with long-term implications to benefit public education. State Senator Max Wise has been at the forefront of the student safety issue since the 2019 General Assembly. During the 2019 session, he worked with stakeholders across the commonwealth to enact SB 1, which established the Kentucky Center for School Safety in the aftermath of the Marshall County school shooting.

In the 2020 legislative session, Senator Wise followed up with SB 8, which defines the role of School Resource Officers (SROs) and mandates the presence of an SRO in every school.

In the 2024 session, Senator Wise responded to the reality that we do not have enough certified SROs or the necessary funding for every school to hire a fully certified SRO. SB 2, sponsored by Senator Wise, establishes the position of Guardian, enabling districts to retain individuals with safety backgrounds—such as retired law enforcement or military personnel—who have received Phase I of SRO training. These Guardians can help bridge the gap in school safety until every school can have a fully certified SRO.

SB 2 is designed to allow school districts to tailor the Guardian program to their individual needs and preferences. Districts can retain Guardians as paid employees or volunteers, and they decide whether a Guardian should be armed. Districts can use Guardians to supplement their current SRO force and have the discretion to continue using Guardians even after reaching their full contingent of SROs.

Senator Wise has also addressed the mental health component of school safety throughout his involvement, ensuring that issues like suicide prevention and the need for more student mental health professionals are addressed.

Dr. Rhonda Caldwell, Chief Executive Officer of KASA, remarked, “Senator Wise’s dedication to enhancing the safety and well-being of our students is unparalleled. His legislative efforts and proactive stance on school safety have made a significant impact across our state, and we are honored to recognize his contributions with the Telescopic Award.”

KASA is proud to present the Telescopic Award to Senator Wise for his long-term commitment to school safety. Senator Wise will also participate in an Education Forum with Commissioner Robbie Fletcher and House Education Committee Chair James Allen Tipton during the closing General Session of this year’s Annual Leadership Institute on Friday, July 26.  

(Wanda Darland, KASA Director of Communications)